Dress Code

We are a uniform school. 

The purpose of this dress code is to enhance school safety, improve the learning environment, and promote positive interactions. This dress code does not regulate the exercise of an individual’s sincerely held religious beliefs.​ 


  • Shoes must be appropriate for school activities.  
  • Gym shoes must be worn on PE days.  
  • Appropriate shoes for SAFE play. Shoes must have backs. High-heeled shoes, slippers, and shoes with wheels are not permitted.  

Pants, shorts, skirts, etc. 

  • Free choice! Your choice of jeans, shorts, sweats, etc. 
  • Shorts/skirts must not be shorter than fingertips. 
  • Pants and shorts need to fit snug at the waist.
  • Pajama pants are not permitted.  


  • Polo shirts must be white, navy blue, or light blue and have a collar.  
  • Shirts must be a solid color; no patterns or logos. 
  • Stafford t-shirts are allowed 
  • Sweatshirts must be white, navy blue, or a Stafford sweatshirt. All sweatshirts must have a uniform appropriate shirt worn underneath with collar showing.  
  • Tops and bottoms must overlap at all times, including when arms are raised. 


  • Hats, caps, hoods, and other headwear may not be worn inside the school.  
  • Clothing should be weather appropriate.